When Are Electrical System Inspections Needed?

A safe, properly functioning electrical system is a necessity for every residence and periodic electrical inspections play an important role in providing that.

Though inspecting the electrical system is frequently overlooked, there are times when homeowners should invest in these services to ensure theirs can operate properly and that their home is safe against shorts and other electrical problems.

Electrical system inspections to assess the condition of home wiring and electrical components are recommended at these important times.

1. When Buying A House

Whether purchasing someone else’s house or having new construction built, an electrical system inspection should always be a part of that transaction.

Electrical problems can lead to dangerous safety concerns and cause serious property damage.

It is important that new homeowners pay for an inspection by a qualified electrician so they are aware of any problems that exist before moving in and can arrange whatever repairs are necessary.

2. For Older Homes

Homes that are 25 or more years old should receive ;electrical system inspections once every few years to ensure everything is still working the way it should be.

Electrical inspections are especially important in historic homes and those still running knob-and-tube wiring, which is not as durable as current electrical systems.

Upgrading these homes to current electrical service is strongly recommended, but when that is not a possibility, frequent inspections are even more critical.

3. After Suffering Storm Damage

Storms happen and when they do, they can wreak havoc on home electrical components.

When a dangerous storm passes and the house sustains any kind of damage, if there is flooding, or if there are lightning strikes to or near the home, an inspection by an experienced electrician is essential.

Electrical inspections to test the system and make sure all wiring, circuits, and other components are still functioning properly are essential after weather events that frequently cause damage to them.

4. When Upgrading the Home

Before doing a major remodel or renovation on any home, an electrical system inspection should be performed to ensure the current system can handle new components being put in or to make upgrades to the wiring system, if necessary.

An electrical inspection done by a licensed professional is especially important when homeowners are planning or have made DIY improvements to their homes.

5. When Experiencing Recurring Electrical Problems

When homeowners experience ongoing electrical problems like circuits that keep shorting, burning wire smells, light bulbs continuously burning out, or these problems start out of the blue, there could be a problem with the wiring or elsewhere.

An inspection can easily detect what the problem is so it can be corrected before more serious damage occurs.

Stay Safe By Arranging Electrical Inspections When They Are Most Needed

It is easy for people to take their home electrical systems for granted until some kind of problem arises.

Noting this, it is important that residents arrange electrical inspections at key points in their home ownership to keep their houses safe.

An electrical system inspection performed by a qualified electrical contractor at the right times will ensure that every home is a safe, comfortable one!

Need Electrical Inspection Experts in Navasota Texas?

Contact Gilmore Electric Express for Electrical System Inspections!

Call 979-775-4448 To Schedule An Inspection!